Safeguard Protect (Inplacement Services)

from $375.00 per month

Our clients can quickly access our specialised services related to any workplace or business management issues or concerns. Our clients gain all the benefits of the HR Phone Assist and HR Online Solutions The structure of HRGS retainer services is fairly simple. For a fixed annual fee, our clients have a designated highly skilled Professional for a set number of hours per week or month.

HRGS consultants are on call which allows and encourages your designated staff to use them as matters arise, this in turn reduces the risk of escalation or inappropriate action being taken.

  • Monthly retainer fee, with no hidden cost.

  • Access to our Employer Advisory Service 365 days per year

  • Emergency hours include Weekends & Public Holidays

  • Free phone advice and templated solutions absolutely no charge

HR Phone Assist

$3,6600 + GST per annum

HRGS Phone Assist provides real-world guidance, support, and advice for employers across all industries.

Call the HR Phone Assist Helpline

Tell us about your current issue, and we will help you resolve it with straightforward and clear guidance.

  • Wage disputes

  • Industrial Relations Disputes

  • Fair Work Matters

  • WorkCover Matters

  • Poor Performance Issues

  • Misconduct Issues

  • Redundancy Issues

  • Termination Issues

HR Online Solutions

$4,5000 + GST per annum

HRGS fully integrated HR online solutions, provides direct access to customised policies, procedures, employment contracts and so much more to meet all legal and Fair Work requirements.

HRGS has turned HR policies, procedures, onboarding, paper forms and PDF files into interactive electronic forms, saving hours in administration.

Our Fully Integrated Online HR solutions provide all employers peace of mind by delivering direct access to:

  • Contracts of Employment

  • Employee Induction Handbook

  • HR Letters and Checklists

  • OHS Policies

  • HR Policies

  • OHS Procedures

  • HR Email Templates

HR Compliance Audit

from $225.00 per hour

Noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations involves significant financial risk. To minimize the risk, many organisations undertake an independent HR compliance audit. Given that many HR departments are under resourced, only in retrospect do many organisations become aware of the monetary costs of ignoring HR-related legal hot buttons.

Noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations involves significant financial risk. To minimize the risk, many organisations undertake an independent HR compliance audit.

Our HR compliance audit can be structured to be either comprehensive orspecifically focused, within the constraints of time, budgets and staff. Thereare several areas to be covered, and each is designed to accomplish differentobjectives:

  • Compliance

  • Best practices

  • Strategic

  • Function-specific

  • HR indicators

Wage Audit

from $175.00 per employee

Conducting an internal audit, without an external auditor, is a complex and involved exercise which requires the employer to determine the source of each employee’s entitlements. However, once all entitlements are determined and compared with actual payments made to the employee, you will have clarity on any liability. You can take informed steps to conduct a wage audit and resolve any underpayment.

HRGS uses a powerful in-house custom designed audit methodology deploying powerful audit scripts, including Award interpretation to provide fast, thorough, and cost-effective payroll calculation and audit services, including:

  • Annual salary reconciliations

  • Historical underpayment

  • Full-service payroll audits

  • Fair Work Representation

  • Wage Inspectorate Representation

  • Audit comfort letters

Fair Work Representation

from $375.00 per hour

Internal HR teams and some legal professionals may not have the experience to defend claims effectively at a Fair Work Commission hearing due to the complexity and formalities involved. Our advisors have appeared in hundreds of conferences and hearings demonstrating our expertise, knowledge and professional aptitude.

HR Global Solutions offers a fixed fee service to represent you at the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for unfair dismissals and general protection conciliation meetings.

  • Assistance with reviewing your Employer Response Form F3 and Form 8A with the FWC

  • Preliminary consultation and attendance at conciliation or mediation meeting with FWC

  • Fixed fee, no surprise costs

WorkCover Representation

from $325.00 per hour

HR Global Solutions specialist workers’ compensation division helps clients manage and minimise this major business. We can provide representation in circumstances where the worker is receiving support, advice and assistance from union delegates or union law firm legal advisors.

HR Global Solutions offers a fixed fee service to represent you at WorkCover Conciliation Conferences (WCC).

  • We have extensive experience representing employers in the Workcover scheme. We are constantly looking for ways to add value to that representation.

  • Trusted and professional and known for our robust, fair and astute approach.

  • Fixed fee, no surprise costs

Risk Management Services

from $175.00 per hour

We can handle your safety and workers’ compensation insurance program for you, including claims and accident investigations. Safeguard your workplace.

HR Global Solutions can help you identify risk, interpret regulations and enhance your risk management requirements.

  • On-Site Safety Inspections

  • Workers’ Compensation Claims Management

  • Accident Investigation

  • Job Hazard Analysis

  • WHS/OHS Compliance

  • Fixed fee, no surprise costs

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